All About How PCOS Affect Your Fertility And How You Can Overcome It

December 4, 2020

All About How PCOS Affect Your Fertility And How You Can Overcome It

One out of every ten women is affected with PCOS. It is a commonly associated hormonal imbalance that does affect the fertility to put it precisely. This imbalance can lead to a number of symptoms in women belonging to the child bearing age. In women every month tiny cysts filled with fluid known as follicles develop on the surface of the woman’s ovary. Female sex hormones, including that of oestrogen, cause one of the follicles to produce a mature egg. The ovary then releases this eff which breaks out of the follicle to put it precisely. In case of women who has PCOS, there is an imbalance in the female sex hormones. It is this imbalance that might prevent the development along with release of the mature eggs.

Without the presence of mature eggs, therefore neither pregnancy, nor ovulation can occur. This hormonal imbalance can lead to the increase in the production of testosterone, which is the male sex hormone. PCOS can completely mess up the menstrual cycle and does affect fertility in a major way to put it precisely. The United States’ Office on Women’s Health (OWH) notes that PCOS is a disorder that affects around 5-10% of women within the age group pf 15-44 years. They describe the condition as ‘’common and treatable cause of infertility’’.

PCOS And Effects On Fertility

PCOS is known to affect fertility in women in a number of ways as per research and study. In case of women with PCOS, ovulation problems are attributed as the main cause of infertility to put it precisely. In this case, ovulation is often difficult as owing to the follicles on the ovaries that do not mature and also there in an unusual increase in testosterone production for the matter. Even if ovulation happens, the imbalance in the hormones might lead to the prevention of the lining of the uterus from developing in a proper manner to allow for the implantation of the mature egg. There is an imbalance in the hormones which makes it difficult for the ovulation and even menstrual cycles are irregular in case of women affected by PCOS disorder. The unpredictable menstrual cycles might also make it more difficult in case of getting pregnant. It isn’t that women with PCOS can never get pregnant, but there is a difficulty in getting pregnant to be precise.

PCOS And Fertility Treatment

For women who are affected by PCOS, the doctor after accurate diagnosis shall definitely advise the needful that needs to be followed along with the medicines. In case a woman wants to become pregnant and has PCOS, first, she needs to consult her doctor. In such cases, the doctor might prescribe medications to regularise the menstrual cycle which shall lead to proper ovulation in the respective case. In cases when medications lead to no improvements, surgery might work as an option. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is this surgical option in which the surgeon does small cuts in the abdomen to insert a needle with this electric current. In such cases of surgery, the electric current is used to destroy a small amount of the tissue that is known to produce testosterone on the ovary. This brings down the levels of testosterone production in the body which regulates and allows for normal ovulation to take place in women affected with PCOS.

PCOS And Tips For Increasing Fertility

Now, PCOS is dependant on a number of factors. Just medications and surgery are not enough. There are certain factors that women affected with PCOS need to follow to maintain proper health and well-being. Needless to mention, these tips help increase fertility in an effective manner. Here are some of the tips for increasing fertility:

  • Manage Stress: Efforts should be taken to manage stress in the best possible manner. Studies show that long term stress and anxiety can affect fertility. Exercise, meditations, learning a new art, spending time with loved ones, getting enough sleep etc. can work well in terms of stress management.
  • Controlling Weight: For women who have extra weight and are affected with PCOS, managing weight and shedding some extra weight can be helpful in terms of fertility. This helps regularise the imbalance of hormones to a great extent which allows for normalizing the menstrual cycle and ovulation which increases the chances of fertility.
  • Dietary And Lifestyle Changes: A healthy living can really work wonders. Follow a healthy lifestyle with a proper sleep cycle and maintain a balanced diet that includes lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits, proteins, milk, fish, meat etc. Bring in lifestyle changes along with a healthy diet for proper dietary and lifestyle changes can help increase chances of fertility in the most effective manner.

Remember that for women affected with PCOS and are eager to increase their fertility, the first step should always be- consulting your doctor.

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