Feminine Hygiene Tips: Who It’s for, Routines, Myths, More

February 22, 2024

Feminine Hygiene Tips: Who It’s for, Routines, Myths, More

Hygiene in general is an important aspect in any human’s life, although some need to give it more priority than other. That is why feminine hygiene products are a bigger market than its male hygiene counterpart. The reason is the female anatomy, which is more exposed to infections from improper hygiene than men. However, feminine hygiene is a misunderstood phrase where people think only about a cleaning routine for the vagina. Whereas feminine hygiene in its literal meaning would refer to cleansing of the entire body and not just the intimate areas.

There are feminine hygiene products that aim at just hair removal, although it could be a part of personal hygiene for some, it is not actual related to feminine hygiene. On other matter, a surface sanitiser for disinfecting toilet seats could certainly be counted under feminine hygiene as it protects the bum and vagina from getting infected from an unclean toilet.

Actual feminine hygiene aims at protecting the vulvar region. A feminine hygiene routine is supposed to incorporate ways to safely clean and protect the vulva while maintaining it’s natural freshness and moisture. There are a number of ways with which you can achieve this and some practices that cause an undoing of the same. Let’s get to know the essentials of feminine hygiene;

Who is it (important) for?

Hygiene is an unavoidable part for every woman and a clean vulva makes it easy to focus on life rather than those small itches and frequent irritations. However, life is lived differently by every individual and some require a stronger feminine hygiene routine than others. Vulvar hygiene is crucial for women who are required to go out of the house every day for work and general shopping. Outside temperatures are higher than your air-conditioned room and there is no fan either. Sweat and grime are created most around the intimate areas and give bacteria a breeding ground, causing rashes irritation and infections. Long hours of work and using a shared toilet in between is one of the biggest risk factors for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections). Using a public toilet along with an incomplete hygiene practice is the perfect recipe for infections. Hence, it is necessary for working women to have an extensive feminine hygiene routine.

Vulvar or intimate hygiene is also important for women who have a hyperactive sex life. There is not only penis in vagina sex today that is known as sex. There is a lot of hand and finger play, along with oral pleasuring and sex toys. Which means that your vulva and vagina are going to come in contact with more than just a clean penis. It is thus favourable for your vulva to have a before and after sex cleansing routine for both you and your partner.

Women with immunodeficiency disorders are at a higher risk of catching STI (sexually transmitted infections) and UTIs. Most UTIs are going to affect immunodeficient women’s kidneys faster than other. The lack of essential microbiome in the vagina creates issues for them even with sexual intercourse. Women with such an issue need to be extra cautious about their intimate health and hygiene.

What is a good feminine hygiene routine?

A hygiene practice for healthy intimate areas doesn’t limit to just cleaning or moisturising the vulva and washing up thoroughly after toilet use. These practices are certainly imperative but there are other routinely things for a healthy vulva and vagina.


Whatever you eat is always going to come out some or the other way through your urethra and vaginal cavity. Which means that excessive acidity in your food is going to turn your vagina and urethra more acidic, lots of alkaline stuff in your food will provide an alkaline vaginal environment to support good bacteria. To keep a healthy vagina and vulva, you must eat a diet rich in Vitamins E and C, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, proteins and lots of probiotics.


Cleansing is a complex thing for the vagina as it has a self-cleansing mechanism. At times you might find a little discharge in your underwear. If this discharge doesn’t have any bad smell or tinge of colour, your vaginal is effectively cleansing itself. The vulva in the other hand is made of skin and flesh, it doesn’t have its own cleansing process. You can cleanse it by using a fragrance free mild intimate cleanser like the Namyaa Intimate Hygiene Wash, which ensures your vulva is free from bacterial presence and has no change in pH levels.

Restroom cleanliness

Women are at risk of catching an infection from their own bodies. The anal opening and the urethra are so close in female anatomy that a wrong move can cause bacteria from the anus to get to the urethra and cause a UTI. Thus, it is always better for women to clean the anus and vulva separately. If you’re using a water jet, it is better to wash and wipe from the front towards the back. This keeps the bacteria from the anus away from the vagina.

Sexual cleanliness

Always wash and ask your partner to wash off the genitals before indulging into sex. Usually, a regular showering person who wears fresh underwear will have a clean genital. You should still request a quick rinse before engaging. As for after the rocking is done, make sure you pee right after. Peeing after sex flushes out most of the bacteria from the vagina and keeps it disinfected. You should also rinse off the vulva with water but don’t go for internal washing.

What myths to avoid?

There are certain myths in relation to feminine hygiene which you’d want to keep out of your routine. Douching is a famous one, it apparently reduces the risk of vaginal discharge and unwanted pregnancy. Firstly, vaginal discharge is natural and good unless and it is coloured or smelly. Secondly, pregnancy happens when the sperm reaches the uterus, no amount of water pressure inside your vagina will remove the sperms from an already closed uterus. So, don’t try to clean the inside of your vagina with douching and soap, it will only harm the natural biome of the vagina and make it dry. Vaginal steaming is another nonsense created by pseudo doctors that think putting hot steam on the vagina will keep it younger and free from infections. The truth is that it will burn the vaginal tissues and vulvar skin and make you more susceptible to infections and rashes.

Feminine hygiene remains the most important routine for every woman and helps lead a healthy and infection free life. It keeps your reproductive health protected and ensures a carefree and heightened arousal during intercourse. The only thing to be taken care of is to use chemical free hygiene products for your delicate private parts. Try the Namyaa Green Tea Intimate Wash for a fresh and irritation free vulva.

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