Natural Remedies for Common Menstrual Health: Alleviate Bloating, Cramps and More

October 7, 2024

Natural Remedies for Common Menstrual Health: Alleviate Bloating, Cramps and More

There is no amount of entertainment or good food that can make periods bearable. To the other gender, it seems like a natural process to which women are used to but that’s hardly the case for a handful of women. Yes, some women experience little to no period pains through their adult life. But for most women period means that heavy headed feeling, nausea, bloating, cramps, tender thighs and mood swings. Even after having these torturous issues, women still go for their daily jobs, keeps the house running and take care of their family. The most common pains among women are the lower back and lower abdomen pain which occurs for at least two to three days every menstrual cycle. Women seem to hide this pain and seem alright on the outside but their irritable moods and low energy give it up. The cramps rise slowly and can be excruciating enough to hinder focus and make a woman unable to get off the bed. Taking a few initiatives towards menstrual health in regards to food and habits can help women ease the pain.

Why do women get menstrual cramps?

Even if a woman has high pain tolerance or gets less cramps naturally, she will still feel a discomfort in her belly and vagina which will distract her from work and responsibilities. These cramps or discomforts play a major role in the menstrual cycles. The composition of the uterus consists of muscle cells which contract. A hormonal chemical known as prostaglandins is secreted during the period days. This hormone initiates an inflammatory response in the body that causes the uterus to contract. This contraction is necessary for the uterus to push out blood and obsolete tissue. This contraction can sometimes be more if the period has come before or after the correct date or if the uterus has had to shed more of its lining. These cramps can also be aggravated due to certain habits or poor nutrition and hydration in the body. Here’s what to do to improve menstrual health and have lesser pain during periods;


The contraction in the uterus muscle also causes the stomach muscles to move which can increase the pain. The best way to counter it is keeping enough moisture between these muscles so that they have low intensity contractions. Another reason for stomach cramps is bloating which occurs when there are more salts in the body than there is water. Water reduces the chances of bloating and improves blood flow in the muscles around the uterus, this can reduce the intensity of the cramps and will help the uterus pass out the blood easily.

Green tea

Green teas or teas infused with herbs can also be a major game changes during painful periods. Green tea contains anti-inflammatory substances which reduce the chances of muscle cramps by at least a quarter. It is necessary to add these teas to your daily routine regardless of periods to increase their effect when your periods do strike. A lot of herbal teas also contain anti-spasmodic compounds which are great for relieving muscle spasms and help with cramps. As a plus, they are also great for some extra hydration.

Quit sugar

This is not a dieting plan but only for your period days. Ensure that you know your approximate period date using one of the many period calculation apps. Then, avoid sugary drinks and treats at least a week before that date. The low sugar in your blood will reduce the amount of inflammation caused in the body due to periods. It will also reduce the bloating and help you curb those sweet cravings. Meanwhile you can eat a banana or an apple to help you through the cravings. This might also help you quit sugar entirely in the long run to maintain good menstrual and overall health.


It is wonderful how the human body works, certain points on the body when massage can lead to reduction in pain elsewhere in the body. The palms and soles have multiple acupressure points which can be massaged or pressed to reduce pain in the body. There are two main acupressure points that are related to the muscle pain in your lower belly. One is between the base of the thumb and the index finder and the other is between the base of the index and middle fingers. Massage these points in a rotating motion alternatively for at least five minutes and then do the other hand. If you have intense pain, you can also choose acupuncture sessions for dysmenorrhea with your doctor.

Essential oils for pain relief

There are plant-based essential oils which can be used to massage the skin on your lower belly. These oils are aromatic and also relax you mentally. You can dilute these essential oils like peppermint or sesame oil into a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil to massage your abdomen. There is an easier option to use essential oils on your belly. The Namyaa Feminine Cramp Relief Roll-on is made with peppermint and sesame oil. It can be applied anytime on the go and has an instant effect on cramps.


Exercising stretches and contracts your muscles to make them more tolerant towards inflammation. There are exercises that can be influenced from yoga or mobility routines which are great for pelvic muscles which are directly connected to menstrual and reproductive health. Exercising the pelvic muscles can greatly reduce the intensity of stomach cramps and lower back pain that usually affects women during periods. One of the exercises is malasana which is inspired by yoga and helps strengthen the pelvic muscles to reduce the effects of period contractions on the muscles.

Heat therapy

Muscles get relaxed when warmed up, which is why exercise works. Heat therapy is one the best to get instant relief from cramps and bloating. Use a hot water bag, put in close to your abdomen and curl up around it for 15-20 minutes and you will find relief from heavy contractions. A hot water bag is pretty versatile and can also be used for the lower back muscles. Just put the bag on the bed and lie down on it to provide heat to your back.


Knowing what to eat and what to avoid during periods can make a lot of difference between cramps or bloating and having a relaxed period day. Having nutrient dense foods like fruits and veggies can balance the hormones and give relief from nausea, bloating and excessive bleeding. One super nutrient is omega-3 fatty acids. Foods like fatty fish (mackerel, sardines and tuna), nuts, seeds and plant oils like almond oil contains high omega-3 and can reduce muscle inflammation and spasms, allowing pain free movement. Another set of nutrients you must look for are calcium (milk, spinach), magnesium (dark chocolate, nuts, legumes) and vitamin B6 (dates, bananas, potatoes, meat).

Period cramps and bloating are a part of the menstrual cycle and will only last for a few days. The one thing one must have is the mental strength to handle them and enough consistency to hydrate and nourish your body for optimal menstrual health. Reduce sugar and caffeine while increasing fruit intake and regular exercise. As woman its your duty towards your body to achieve proper health and strength to go through periods with the least amount of pain and discomfort.

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