Periods and Exercise: How to Stay Active During Menstruation

October 22, 2024

Periods and Exercise: How to Stay Active During Menstruation

There are very few in the world who can say they do not feel week when 60-80 ml of blood is removed from their body. That is the amount of blood that an average woman loses on her period. Loosing blood and weakness go hand-in-hand, add hormonal disturbances to the mix and you’ve got yourself wrapped in a blanket not wanting to move a toe. Yet, there are commendable women who can still squat 20 reps during the first day of their period. Are they doing something different or are they superhuman? If you exercise regularly, feeling low on energy on period days is not that common depending on your intensity. High intensity exercises might not be possible during period days because of the blood loss and cramps. However, there are exercise routines for periods which can get your energy flowing without getting you entirely fatigued. There are benefits of exercise on regular days which make your periods easier to manage.

Benefits of exercise for periods

Exercise is a beneficial habit in itself, it fortifies the body and mind together. Stopping exercise during periods will not cause any benefits to your energy levels. The better way to go is to keep following an exercise routine even through your periods. It will further improve your mood and keep the pain and irritability low by keeping your hormonal balance in check. The levels of female hormones- progesterone and estrogen- are lowered as a woman approaches her periods. This reduces energy levels, which can be regulated with exercises promoting the secretion of these hormones. So, instead to stopping your exercise routine thinking you’ll save energy, you can push a little and put in a lower intensity exercise routine for the week. There are immediate benefits to exercising during periods too.

Decrease in PMS symptoms

Most of the oxygen in the body is used up by the uterus and gut to complete the menstrual cycle as it leads up to periods. This causes the brain to have lesser blood flow and oxygen, causing mood swings, fatigue and irritability. Indulging in any sort of aerobic or cardiovascular exercise during this time can improve oxygen flow to the brain and improve your mood and energy levels during PMS.

Increasing endorphin secretion

Endorphins are known as the happiness hormones and also relieve pain in the muscle and joints. A workout high is when you get to tap into your endorphin stores. This boosts energy levels, enhances mood and helps with stress management. Endorphins can also help with the pain during periods as it naturally alleviates muscle pain, thus reducing pain from contractions.

Experience more power and strength

The female hormones in the body are lower during the first two days of the period. Hence, exercise done for the first two days of the period can result in building more strength and endurance. Since the testosterone levels are also high during this time, you can also experience more explosive power during this time.

Enhance well-being

The biggest hinderance of well-being during the period are the annoying cramps, headaches, nausea and back ache. The second day of the period makes them worse. It is the lack of oxygen and improper circulation to the head and spine which cause these issues. Exercising lightly or stretching can lead to better circulation and oxygen levels in the brain, enhancing well-being and relieving pains.

Combat period pains

Dysmenorrhea or painful periods are experienced by a lot of women and causes more usual pain in the back and belly. Exercise is the best solution for painful periods. Something light like brisk walking can help with period pains and let you move with ease. Maybe use this chance to go to the mall and walk around to elevate your mood further with some shopping and ice-cream.

What is the best kind of exercise for periods?

The first day of bleeding is always the worst but you can still do light movements which can help the symptoms of periods. It is, however, better to start early in the week when you feel the first PMS symptoms. Exercising well before the period and then reducing intensity or going on a lighter routine can be of benefit. You will have the chance to vary your workouts during this week so you can do the stretches and aerobic workouts that you usually miss at the gym.

Light walking or cardio

Walking is one of the ways in which anyone can balance their hormonal function. It is the best form of aerobic exercise for periods which keeps the blood circulation balanced and allows more oxygen to be absorbed by the muscles, making them less painful during cramps or back aches. However, you must do light cardio and walk slowly for shorter lengths. If you’re doing a cardio routine keeps it to shirt burst of cardio for lesser reps than you can usually do.

Low-volume strength exercises

Your hormones are already in peak performance mode during periods so there are higher gains on strength. Doing strength-based training with less intensity and longer durations is great for improving energy level and give you extra boost of power to go through the periods. Strength based exercises such as push ups, weighted squats and pull-ups can be a better way to gain strength and muscular endurance.

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are stretching and strength-based exercise forms that are excellent for periods when back aches, muscle fatigue, cramps and soreness start showing up. There is a known corelation between regular yoga routines and decrease in period cramps and regulation of menstrual cycles. Pilates includes your pelvic muscle, core and thighs which can help relieve period pains which torture these exact areas. The breathing techniques in yoga relieve muscular tension and improve oxygen flow to the brain reducing symptoms of period depression and mood swings.

Exercise is one of the best habits for women who get excessive discomfort during periods. However, it shouldn’t be only during the periods. The key is to have a daily exercise routine which can be lowered in intensity on the days of blood flow. There has to be a difference in the kind of exercise you do on regular days and the ones you choose for your period days. Do gentle but repetitive movements during periods and make sure you continue with exercising every day.

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