Yes, it does feel like men have it easier when it comes to physical boundaries. In a lot of cases, it is true. Men don’t have to go through the excruciating cramps that most women experience during menstruation. They don’t have a terrible time maintaining personal hygiene because of their anatomy. Their anatomy also makes it possible for them to prevent getting UTIs. But honestly, it is not the mistake of men that their anatomy is vastly opposite to ours, it’s just the parts we play in the grand scheme of nature.
As women, the most sensitive part of our body is the vaginal opening. Reproductive health is fairly important since the way to feeling complete and happy is to be able to experience womanhood and motherhood at least once in our lifetimes. Reproductive anatomy of women makes it necessary to maintain hygiene as it is more vulnerable to infections than the reproductive anatomy of men. This is the reason why women tend to get UTIs easily and have a higher chance of getting UTIs from an unsanitary environment. Which is why it is necessary for all women to understand what causes UTIs and when to know that you’ve contracted it. So, here is all you need to know to get the right treatment option;
What are UTIs?
UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections are common infections that affect the urinary system and the organs connected to it. These infections are generally caused by a bacteria called E. Coli which is found in the bowels and faeces of humans. The most common way of contracting it is using a toilet used earlier by a person who has a high intensity of E. Coli in their system. If the toilet hasn’t been completely flushed or has low sanitary conditions, E. Coli can reach your urethra and infect your bladder in the process.
Once the bladder has been infected, it doesn’t take much time for the bacteria to reach your kidneys. At extremes, this kind of infection can lead to kidney failure. Which is why it is important to flush it out in time. Knowing the areas that UTIs affect can help in taking actionable steps to reduce its effects. The main organs affected in a urinary infection are-
Kidneys- Kidneys are known for their purification activities and pulling out toxin laden water from the body to excrete it out into the bladder.
Ureters- ureters are small tubes that take the urine from your kidneys and dump it in your bladder.
Bladder- this is where the urine is stored before sending it out as excretion after the bladder is full.
Urethra- urethra is the tube-like structure that leads out of the vagina or penis which carries the urine out of the body and closes back again to prevent radical invasion.
Now the Urethra is the first point of invasion for the bacteria. If the bacteria has already reached the opening of the urethra, it is difficult to stop it from reaching the bladder. The way these bacteria get access to your urethra explains a lot about the causes of UTIs.
What causes UTIs?
The leading cause of UTI is the E. Coli bacteria found in the rectum or large intestine. When toilets are unclean or faecal matter comes in contact with your vagina, the bacteria gets access to your urethra. Now if the urethra is washed properly with an intimate hygiene wash, there are less chances of getting an UTI if not nil.
The bacteria always gets its chance to infect your urethra when it gets a warm and moist condition, like the summer sweat right after getting out of the washroom. The bacteria thrive in such conditions and infect the urethra and soon the bladder.
UTIs require an undisturbed urethra to reach your bladder. So, if you’ve come in contact with an unclean toilet seat and haven’t had enough hydration afterwards, the chances of getting a bladder infection increases. The reason is the creation of urine. When you drink plenty of water throughout the day, you make more urine and thus flush out the bacteria from your bladder and urethra. When this process is affected due to dehydration, you’ll have a swollen urethra which will make it painful to urinate later on.
Unhygienic conditions like dirty toiletries, contaminated water, or unwashed underwear can be a major cause for getting UTIs. In some cases, unhygienic sexual contact can also be the reason. If intimate areas haven’t been washed before sex, it is possible to get UTI from a different bacteria or fungus. It is also possible to get a UTI just by touching your urethra with fingers, as the fingertips can pick up bacterial residue from surfaces that you touch.
What are the symptoms of UTI?
The symptoms of UTI can be caught in the first few days itself. It generally starts to give you an uneasiness while you’re peeing. Here’s all the signs and symptoms of UTIs:
- Pain in the sides of your flank, abdomen, pelvic area, and lower back
- Constant pressure in the lower pelvic area
- Dirty and foul smelling pee
- Frequent urge to urinate
- Uncontrollably leaking urine
- Pain while urinating
- Passing blood in the urine
In later stages of UTIs you might also feel-
- Pain in the vulva
- Constant fatigue
- Fevers
- Night chills
- Nausea
What is the best treatment option for UTIs?
When it comes to the treatment of a bacterial infection such as UTI, the person has a long enough timeframe to act upon it. The most important thing to understand is that damaging your kidneys further with antibiotics and steroidal drugs to get rid of the bacteria is not a good option.
If your infection is still in the first two stages where only your urethra and bladder have been affected, it is better to go for a plant based treatment option.
Namyaa Mutrakriccha UTI Syrup or Tablets have the ability to flush out the bladder and urethra. Its certified herbs like makoy, sonth, punarnava, lajwanti, kulthi, gokshura, etc. have anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Which means they are provided by nature to flush out the urinary system while soothing inflammation. Namyaa Mutrakriccha is an all-in-one Ayurvedic medicine that removes infection and provides fortification against recurrence of UTIs.