What Every Woman Faces When She Has PCOS?

December 10, 2020

What Every Woman Faces When She Has PCOS?

PCOS And Fertility Treatment

What Every Woman Faces When She Has PCOS?

Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is something that every one out of 10 gets affected with. Research and study have always centred around the different causes, symptoms and treatment of PCOS since the 1700s. But we are here hundreds of years later and the main reason for the disorder still remains a mystery to put it precisely. Health experts and researchers on women’s health and endocrinology have developed new clues and information that helps in our understanding of the condition a little better and this might lead to a betterment in the treatment and it is obvious that this might lead to better care. Although the symptoms and the causes differ from women to women in terms of PCOS, but there are certain conditions that are generally accepted that women face when she has PCOS. Here are the details:

  • Unexplained Weight Gain: Well, around 80% of women suffering from PCOS seems to gain unexplainable weight to put it precisely. This especially happens in the midsection which is often characteristic of hormonal imbalance. In this respect, researchers are of the opinion that while weight gain as a symptom is often not considered as the sole factor for PCOS diagnosis, still it is believed that insulin resistance might play a role here. PCOS leads to difficulty in metabolizing the blood sugar levels, for which pancreas is required to produce enough insulin to lower the blood sugar levels and this might lead to unexplained weight loss to put it precisely.
  • Hair Growth In Odd Places: Some hair on the cheeks or the occasional chin whisker isn’t indicative of PCOS, so there’s no need to worry in such cases. But, women with PCOS on the majority notices unusual hair growth in odd places. There might be hair growth on the upper lip, sideburns, chins and other odd places where you wouldn’t expect hair to grow and this condition is known as hirsutism. This is a major symptom of PCOS.
  • Experiencing Adult Acne: Although acne breakouts are generally associated with teenage years, but as adults, women can also get acnes. Though there might be different causes for this, but, severe adult acne is something that women face when she has PCOS. High androgen levels in women can lead to severe adult acne breakouts. Acne breakouts might be there in hormonally sensitive places like, lower part of the face, upper lip, jawline etc. This is something that women suffering from PCOS generally face when she is suffering from PCOS to put it precisely.
  • Finding It Difficult To Get Pregnant: Well, women with PCOS is known to face difficult in getting pregnant. In such cases, women struggle to get pregnant but it is the PCOS disorder which prevents them from conceiving. As per different medical study and research, PCOS is rendered as the number one cause of infertility for the matter. When the body is not able to produce enough progesterone for a menstrual cycle, it results in the underdeveloped eggs turning to small cysts in the ovaries which prevents healthy eggs from reaching the uterus. It isn’t that PCOS leads to infertility, there might be some difficulty in getting pregnant, but it is nothing like women cannot get pregnant if she has PCOS.
  • Irregular Monthly Cycle: Another thing that most of the women face when she has PCOS is the irregular monthly cycle. Women shall find their periods getting irregular, scanty bleeding, skipping period cycles for months are known to be experienced by women suffering from PCOS. Periods is known to say a lot about women’s health and irregularities in the monthly cycle in an indicative of hormonal imbalance, like PCOS disorder.
  • Skin Tags And Skin Changes: Women with PCOS is known to develop skin tags and skin changes which can lead to patches of dark velvety skin that is darker than the normal skin tone. This condition is known as Acanthosis nigricans and it shows up in the ceases around the groin, breasts, neck etc. It happens for insulin resistance and high insulin levels. Small skin tags on the neck, armpits are also indicative of insulin resistance to put it precisely.
  • Mood Disorders: Mood disorders, depressions, mood swings are faced by women who has PCOS. Anxiety and eating disorders should also be considered under this point and these disorders are majorly noticed in women who has PCOS.
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